Child Research and Education Congress

"If we don't know how a person learns,
by what miracle should we know how to educate him"
/L. Rafael Reif/

Key speakers

Prof. dr Idesbald Nicaise (KU Leuven)
Prof. dr Idesbald Nicaise 
 KU Leuven
Prof. dr Paul Leseman
Prof. dr Paul Leseman
Utrecht University
Dr Pauline Slot
Dr Pauline Slot
Utrecht University
Prof. dr Nilüfer Pembecioğlu
Prof. dr Nilüfer Pembecioğlu 
Istambul University
Fernando Albuquerque Costa
Prof. dr Fernando Albuquerque Costa
University in Lisbon
Dimitros Zachos
Prof. dr Dimitris Zachos
Aristotele's University in Thessaloniki
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Chałas
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Chałas 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
dr hab. Ryszard Pęczkowski, prof. UR
dr hab. Ryszard Pęczkowski, prof. UR
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
prof. dr hab. Urszula Szuścik
prof. dr hab. Urszula Szuścik
Uniwersytet Śląski
prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kowalski
dr hab. MIrosław Kowalski, prof. UZ
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
prof. dr hab. Janusz Kirenko
prof. dr hab. Janusz Kirenko
Uniwersytet Mari Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Dr hab. Marta Wrońska, prof. UR
Dr hab. Marta Wrońska, prof. UR 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

About Congress

Child Research and Educational Congress is an event organized by the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Rzeszow within the framework of the "Doskonała Nauka" program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Poland.  The Congress aims to provide an interdisciplinary analysis of educational systems and theories in the context of the following changes and to integrate scientists of various disciplines engaged in research on child development and the role of education in the modern world.

Systems of formal and informal education
in Poland and around the world
Media in education 
Psychological aspects of child functioning in the changing reality social and educational
Evolution of the tasks facing education
in historical perspective
Art education and its impact on the harmonious development of the child
The impact of the out-of-school environment on the child and his education
KPE numer specjalny

Special Issue of Kultura-Przemiany-Edukacja Journal
dedicated to Congress Contribution

Important dates

submitting topic proposals and abstracts

information on
acceptance of papers

presentation of the congress program

deadline for article submissions

Opening of the two-day Congress

Congress Venue

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
University of Rzeszow

The Congress will be held in the main building of the University of Rzeszow (A1) located at Tadeusza Rejtana 16C Street in Rzeszow.

The University of Rzeszow is the largest university in southeastern Poland, educating about 15,000 students in more than 60 courses.

Aula Główna A1 UR
Main Aula of the A1 building

The Main Aula of Building A1 is the largest auditorium at the University of Rzeszow. During the Congress, the main and thematic panels will be held here during both days of the Congress. Coffee breaks and lunch will be served in the atrium during the event.

Instytut Socjologii UR
Lecture hall 327 of the Institute of Sociology Univeristy of Rzeszow

Located on the third floor of Building A1, there will be online sessions on the first day and thematic sessions on the second day of the Congress

Links to MS Teams meetings

The online broadcast will be conducted via a channel on You Tube

Project founding

Project name: Child Research and Education Congress
Project manager: Dr. Mariola Kinal
Implementation period: 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2024
Funding from the state budget
Funding institution: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland
Program name: Excellent science - support of scientific conferences
Project value: 118,450.00 PLN
Grant value: 98 450,00 PLN
Project description:
The purpose of the project is to organize and implement the Child and Education Research Congress dedicated to the analysis of child development research and educational systems and theories, as well as the changes that occur in education as a result of social and technological development. An additional goal of the
of the project is to establish formal and informal contacts with researchers dealing with the issues of the child and preschool and early childhood education in Poland and around the world. The effect of the Congress will be the publication of the results presented during the speeches in the form of scientific articles in the journal "Culture-Education-Transformation" (40 pts. MEiN) in Polish or English, and the publication of a book of abstracts in digital version.

The topics of the Congress are interdisciplinary and include many phenomena and processes that directly and indirectly affect the development of the child, especially in early life. The sessions will cover topics on:
1) Analysis and evaluation of the operation of formal and informal education systems in Poland and around the world;
2) The role of the media in education - especially the impact of remote education on preschool and early school-age children and the search for methodological solutions in the context of remote, hybrid education and the use of media in the daily work of the teacher;
3) Changes in the education of the child over the years in Poland and around the world and the evaluation of the tasks facing education in a historical context;
4) Psychological aspects of the functioning of the child in the changing educational reality and the role of communication in education;
5) Analysis of art education and its impact on the harmonious development of the child;
6) The impact of extracurricular environments, i.e. the family, social institutions on the development of the child and his education

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Main Organiser
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The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Excellent Science - support for scientific conferences".  

24 ks. Jałowego St.
35-010 Rzeszów



Child Research and Education Congress